And no, I don't mean that awesome old movie where Julia Roberts, Kevin Bacon, and Keifer go crazy and push the envelope of 'near' death experiences. Although, I did love that movie when I was a kid.

I can't believe it's already June. June means more than conferences, sunshine, and vacation. It means we are half way through 2013. Woo hoo!!*blows horn* *throws cupcakes* *releases unicorns*
It also means it's time to look back at our list of goals to determine where we are and what our next steps should be.
This year I have 10 writing goals. Probably not a lot compared to some of my super-human-multi-tasking, writerly friends but still. It's a start.
Here's where I am so far:
1. Finish Draft 10 of WIP (Done, 1.27.13)
2. Query WIP beginning in April (Done - Started and stopped...but definitely started in April)
3. Finish Nano Project between April - July (underway...)
4. Build twitter network to 300 followers (Done, 5.21.13)
5. Join the LitReactor community (Done, 1.25.13)
6. Take a writing class (Done - Litreactor YA class, Feb)
7. Join a professional writers group (Money is tight so this might be tough)
8. Attend a conference?? Scary one (Booked RWA 2013!! - Eek!)
9. Enter 2 contests - fun goal (1st contest entered in May. One down, one to go: *Update* second contest entered in July! woo hoo!)
10. Blog regularly - at least once a month (underway...)
6 of my 10 writing goals are already complete. That's pretty awesome if you ask me. A lot of momentum. Which is what happens when you write things down. (Funny how that works - right?)
As far as next steps? I think I'm going to keep pushing forward. And who knows, I might even add a goal or two before the year is out.

Where are you? Are you tracking progress towards completing your writing goals?
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