
In my day job I like to have all pertinent resources at my finger tips. Who doesn't like efficiency, right? So it's no surprise that when I'm writing I want to have the best advice easily accessible.

To that end I've decided to compile some of the best resources a writer could want here on this blog. My hope is that this resources page will be a useful tool for writers of all ability levels on the long road to publication.

1. Beat sheet for romance by Jami Gold

1. From PIXAR, 22 Tips on Story Telling

2. From Stephen King, 20 Tips for Becoming a Frightening Good Writer

3. Sage advice from Natalie Whipple a YA writer and card-carrying nerd.

What Natalie Whipple Would Say to New Writers

Pulling a Story Out of Nowhere

Natalie's thoughts on 'When the [writing] Honeymoon Ends'

4. From Raewyn Hewitt, Bridget Jones meets Tolkien, an ordinary girl, writing a story of epic proportions...

When Writing Gets Hard

5. From Chuck Wendig 25 Hard Truths About Writing

6. From Nathan Bransford, industry insight and advice.

From Twitter: Advice in 140 characters

10 Commandments For the Happy Writer

What do Agents Do Anyway?

How a Book Gets Made

Nathan's writing advice database

7. From Dahlia Adler, a founding member of the YAMisfits, Q&A compilations:

Q&A for Querying Writers

Q&A for Agented Writers

Q&A for Pre Pub writers

1. How to Abolish Adverbs from Melissa Donovan

2. How to be a Full Time Writer *Best Advice Ever* from the hilarious Chuck Wendig

3. How to Write a Synopsis from Nathan Bransford, Jami Gold, Holly Robinson, The Writers Alley, YA Highway

4. On Log Lines Learning to Log Line by lurking around the internet by Writefully_so and How to Write a Log Line from Stavros Halvatzis

5. How to get the Most Out of Your CP's by Lynda R Young

6. How to Reach Your Word Count by BR Myers

7. How to Write a Novel from Nathan Bransford

8. How to Format Your MS from Nathan Bransford

9. How to Find an Agent from Nathan Bransford

10. How to Become an Agent by Joanna Volpe

11. How to Write a Query Letter from Nathan Bransford

12. How to Plot a Novel insight from Aimee Salter

13. How to Change Showing into Telling by Jessica Bell from Writer Unboxed

14. How to Fix Pacing Problems by Janice Hardy

15. How to Fix the Dreaded Info Dump by Amber A Bardan, Jami Gold</b>

1. General advice, formulas, and insight into the query letter (including Query Mad Lib), by Nathan Bransford

2. Perfecting the Query by Lynette Labelle

3. Examples of Successful Query Letters from GalleyCat

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