Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I Can Haz Productivity: April 2013 Month In Review

It's May! Which means it's time for my monthly recap. As you may remember, my goal for March was to write 300 words a day.

And I failed. Utterly and completely.

In March I recovered by catching up on words during the weekend.

That was March.

April wasn't as easy. I was able to get some decent words during the week while my weekends were packed with social engagements.

Like a trip to NOLA for a friends wedding, so yay! As a writer and recovering workaholic I tend to spend a lot of my free time in books or attached to a laptop. Getting out and about this month was a welcomed change.

Traveling and revelry aside, April was a productive month. Here are the deets:

1. 6 blog posts written and scheduled.
2. Read 2 books (more on that later this month)
3. Edits on a few more chapters of a friends’ awesome WIP
4. Revised plot outline for current WIP
5. 2 new chapters in WIP mentioned above
6. Signed up for my first big writers conference! (RWA13 - Atlanta)

Non writing accomplishments include:

1. Ran warrior dash obstacle course 5k
2. Traveled to NOLA for friends beautiful wedding (cool town but I think I need to detox for a year - sheesh)
3. Three meetings with mentors – always a great way to recharge your motivation

For a grand total of 5,846 words!

The moral of the story:Remember last month when I talked about how important it is to be flexible? yeah, that.

Most of my words in April were in my WIP which is a great feeling; each and every one of those pretty little words is a coin in my Better Writer Piggy Bank that one day I’ll deposit at the Bank of Published Authors.

What writing habits do you have? What works for you?

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