Tuesday, July 22, 2014

My Second Blogaversary *fire glitter cannons*

Another year another blogaversery.

It’s been two years since I began my humble blog journey. So, like last year, I’m going to celebrate with a little blog stats (in case you couldn’t tell, I love stats). So here we go:

Number of blog posts this year: 95
Top five most popular posts this year (in order):

1. Literary vs Commercial Fiction 113 hits

2. Learning to Log Line (by lurking around the internet)110 hits

3. 8 Literary Agents You Should Be Following in 201483 hits

4. Supporting Small Business aka Your Favorite Author54 hits

5. Being Professional Means Being Thankful42 hits

I accomplished several of my blogging goals:
1. Write regularly
2. Create a resource list that I – and other writers – could use on this wild ride
3. Participate more fully in the writing community.

Note: you may remember earlier this year I set some huge blog goals and later had to make adjustments. Yeah, well, I’m loving the new, more realistic goals, and am still very pleased with how everything is going. I rarely have days when I write more words for blog posts than my WIP which makes me happy.

All in all, I’ve really enjoyed this last year. I think blogging has made me accountable and more committed to my goals. All of the work and discipline over the last year has made me a better writer.

So happy blogaversary everyone who's enjoyed this blog over the last two years. To celebrate I’ve collected hot boy gifs for your enjoyment.

Chris Pine, because he’s mighty fine:

Jax Teller, because he's a bad boy with honor:

Longmire, because rural justice packs a punch:

Iron man, because who doesn’t want brains and beauty:

And my classic crush, Mr. Thornton of North and South, because of this moment:

Stay tuned this week for #RWA14 tweets (follow me on twitter).
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1 comment:

  1. Congrats on 2 years! That's great! And I think I'm gonna mosey back up and look at that 8 agents to follow post... =)


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