Tuesday, July 1, 2014

I Can Haz Productivity: June 2014 Month in Review

I cannot believe it is July. What the what? Even though I feel like I’m desperately out of step with my goals (I am making adjustments to get back in line) I’m happy that June is done. For one main reason – the dreaded test from hades is done. See here where I decided to celebrate the small things.

We were also fortunate enough to sneak away for a vacation with Handsome Jack’s family. I love them and now that only my BIL lives in GA I see them less and less. We spent a week on the beach in Florida and it was nice. We even went for a run on the beach, which was not nice, but we ran while on vacation so, yay! Here's a pic of a cute stray cat we befriended on the beach.

Now that the test is done I no longer have class three days a week. Which means I have more time to write. I didn’t get much writing in during the vacay (but that was okay). Since getting home I’ve been a little writing bee. Words in the morning, words in the evening, words at supper time. When words are on a bagel you can have words anytime….I mean….

Maybe I’m a tad bit hungry. What I meant to say was this month saw more words than last month (which is always nice). And overall, I was so much less stressed out (the beach might have had something to do with that).

(Check out my calendar. Toothless approved the use of this image)

But enough yammering about the month. Let’s take a look at the stats:

0 Novels read for fun

1 Beta for a CP

1 major-soul-destroying-test from hades

1 out of town Vacay

2 movies watched in theaters (x-men and HTTYD2 – both excellent)

0 races (but several gym workouts)

And words, not many words but I don't want to lose sight of the fact that any words are better than no words *does happy dance * For a grand total of 11,799 words. This brings my total ‘tracked’ word count to 46,479 for the year! Things are starting to get back on track and that feels good.

And as for miles ran, I am happy to report, 17.2 miles logged. Which brings my total ‘tracked’ mileage to 79.6 miles this year. I’m happy to be falling in love with running again.

All in all, it’s not a bad month. Looking forward to making further strides in my draft next month. #NeverGiveUp #NeverSurrender

How are your writing goals coming along?

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