
About Me

My Short Bio:
Word nerd with a running problem. Fluent in snark. Lover of NA and YA Romance & SF/F. Law student addicted to Coke Zero, laser tag, and smelling books.

My Longer Bio:
A perpetual new girl, Colleen grew up all over the United States until her family settled in the St. Louis, Missouri area. There she attended high school, sleepovers, parties, dances, and band competitions. After high school she went north to Rockford University in Illinois where she battled the cold with her Student Government, Newspaper, and Theater friends while earning a BA in English Literature. Because her school didn’t have an instrumental musical program Colleen continued her musical pursuits during the summers with Drum and Bugle Corps including Phantom Legion, Americanos, and Blue Stars.

After college she landed in Atlanta where Colleen lives with her husband, Handsome Jack, and a coven of cats (all rescued, of course). When she isn’t writing, reading, or herding cats, she can be found practicing her laser tag skills. An avid runner, Colleen has completed countless 5k’s, 10k’s, and half marathons. Recently, she happily completed her third full marathon (that's 26.2 miles, baby).

Colleen is chasing her bliss by juggling a day job, a writing career, family, and law school. She writes YA and NA Romance, SciFi, and Fantasy and is currently seeking representation. She can be reached at colleenDOTmDOThamptonATgmailDOTcom or on Twitter @writefully_so.

About This Blog:
The original focus of this blog was to create a useful resource for writers and lit lovers. I’ve learned a lot from the amazing writer community on the web and want to give back. However, the narrow focus didn’t allow me to embrace the bigger picture of chasing my dream which is this: dreams are multifaceted. Being successful, for me, means balancing family, friends, and doing what I love (even if that means doing multiple things). I love writing, running, and the law so it’s time I expanded the focus to include all those aspects.

In addition to Writerly Resources I will post musings about running, school, and occasionally, my word-spittle about life at large.

I hope you find something here to help you on your journey – wherever it may take you.
