For today's TBT I'm sharing a post inspired by my brilliant best friend's thesis. A few years back this friend of mine wrote his graduate thesis on Buffy (sounds freaking cool, right? It totally was). So in the spirit of my recent post about Strong Characters I thought it was time to share Hot Chicks Who Kick A$$ and the people who write them.
My brilliant bestie, @Proper_Rich, is defending his graduate thesis today which is a monumental moment in anyone's education. Countless hours were spent writing, and revising, his work so that he could get to this point. It's a huge milestone that could not have been possible if not for lots of hard work and Mountain Dew.
But this event is so much more amazing because the premise of his thesis is near and dear to my heart for two reasons:
1. It's about female empowerment (woot woot!)
2. It's about female empowerment in Buffy the Vampire Slayer!!
And in light of the recent, amazing #yesallwomen Twitter conversation I felt like roaring. And this post might need has some awesome roaring. So,*cue butt kicking*
Studying television and movies is something we writers do everyday. I can't watch ANYTHING without dissecting it into a three act structure, seeking the inciting incident, stacking the deck, and tracking the character's growth. So I think it's abso-freaking-lutely cool that @Proper_Rich got a degree doing it. (Well, he did a hell of a lot more than that, but you get the point.)
Aside from plot structure and craft, why study television? What's the value in studying that form of media?
He astutely notes that, "Fictional television programs can be viewed as a reflection of imperfect reality—human flaws are intensified and accentuated on the screen in order to provide moral lessons and entertain the masses." TV programs, movies, and novels are the mirror in which we can examine ourselves.
In celebration of his thesis defense here are some awesome quotes from his thesis and Buffy Gifs. If you don't know Buffy, or if you aren't a fan, this might just convert you. Enjoy!
Why Buffy? What makes her so special?
"Buffy did not spend her time pining for a man or primping in front of a mirror, engaging in stereotypically traditional female activities. She fought the forces of darkness while maintaining a social life anchored by her small circle of friends."
"Buffy was mature enough to realize that her abilities isolated her from her peers and that her responsibilities far outweighed the societal pressures of having the most recent blouse by a famous designer or dating the high school quarterback."
"When viewing her combat of demons and vampire metaphorically, it is clear that the monsters Buffy slays are not just present to provide antagonists for the protagonist to battle. She is battling the patriarchy that has oppressed her biological sex for centuries—she just uses different weapons, like stakes, axes, and sarcastic commentary."
"Buffy is a woman, Buffy is the Slayer, but Buffy is more than that—Buffy is a symbol of how women can take the power for themselves, elect to be a hero, and disavow the patriarchal society that keeps them from achieving their potential."
Cheers to you @Proper_Rich, on an amazing paper; a wonderful accomplishment.
What characters from TV or film have inspired you? Share your stories here: